
Water is a scarce resource, increasingly expensive and its consumption often reported  in annual corporate statements. The processing and pumping of water is energy intensive,  making it a significant source of CO2 emissions.

Tenant should expect building owners to have installed water efficient fittings, to maintain these so as to prevent leakage, and to be able to show records of consumption and cost.  Good water management is particularly important where there is extensive landscaping which requires irrigation. Where a water intensive user or users occupies space in a building it is important to understand how the water costs are attributed.

Key issues to consider:

  • Typical annual water consumption costs of the building.
  • The water conservation features installed in a building e.g. efficient fittings,  dual flush toilets, waterless urinals, rain water harvesting, grey water recycling, water metering.
  • The ability for the building’s water efficiency to be improved.
  • Major water consumers in the building, for example coffee shops and restaurants