BBP’s Banksia Award winning project at Vivid Sydney

BBP at Vivid

The Better Buildings Partnership was named ‘Innovator of the year’ at the 2014 Banksia Awards for its best practice leasing model. Now this project will be part of a Vivid Sydney event during this year’s festival.

The Banksia Foundation is the 2015 Sustainability Partner of Vivid Sydney, an 18 day festival of light, music and ideas and the largest of its kind in the world.

Banksia will be working with Vivid Sydney on the event’s sustainability agenda as well as presenting a forum at Vivid Ideas.

The “Flicking the Switch On Sustainability” forum, presented in conjunction with Sustainable Business Australia (SBA),will engage Australians on the achievements made by some of Banksia’s own “Leading Lights”, as Banksia’s past and present Award winners from business, government and community come together and discuss the role a strong vision has in the recovery and stabilisation of our world.

The Lord Mayor of Sydney, Clover Moore will be speaking about “Energising the Community for Sustainability” and the Banksia Award winning Better Buildings Partnership at this event.

10 other Banksia Business and Community Award Winners will also share their vision and innovation with back-to-back lightning talks. These innovators have just four minutes to share at least one pearl of wisdom that attendees can take away and apply in your business or community.

Flicking the Switch on Sustainability
Wednesday 27 May 2015
Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney
Banksia & SBA Members $40
Non-members $50.

For more information and to book tickets visit: