Improving compliance with NCC Section J – The VURB Reporting Template
The VURB Reporting Template was developed by the Better Buildings Partnership, a collaboration of leading property owners in Australia. The template seeks to increase industry capability and increase detail and consistency in relation to compliance reporting, particularly when the JV3 – Verification Using a Reference Building (VURB) method is used. The use of the template is not mandatory, unless agreed on by relevant parties.
The VURB Template is applicable at all stages of the design and construction cycle (in the NSW context: Development Application and Construction Certificate documentation through to Practical Completion sign-off prior to issuing of Occupancy Certificate). This reporting template checklist, with minor modifications for local requirements, can be particularly useful at the Development Application (DA) stage for Local Government Authorities (LGAs). These requirements have been developed for the 2019 edition of NCC Volume 1, available online at