Better Building Partnership Annual Report 2016-2017

52% emissions reduction achieved


Today, the Better Buildings Partnership represents more than half of Sydney’s commercial floor space in the city centre – a massive 2.7 million sqm – and demonstrates how collective action can unlock complex barriers and drive change.

The headline numbers from our 2017 Annual Report, from a 2006 baseline, are impressive:

  • 52% fewer emissions
  • 43% less energy consumed
  • 36% less water used
  • 1 megatonne of carbon emissions saved
  • 6 gigalitres of water saved
  • 8,000 tonnes of rehomed furniture
  • 94% of premium property owners now use green leases.

Our sights are now squarely set on a carbon positive future. Looking ahead, we have made five big commitments for 2018:

  • Net zero: Demonstrate exemplar pathways to reach carbon positive and increase renewable energy generation
  • Waste excellence: Support the uptake of the NABERS Waste tool and GECA certification as industry standard
  • Defit recovery: Work towards 80 per cent defit recovery and demonstrate viable new material from furniture waste
  • Engage tenants: Create market demand for carbon positive by working with tenants and occupant communities
  • Data insights: Explore insights from improved data collection.

The challenge ahead requires our tenants’ and communities’ collaboration. It requires vision and it requires practical solutions you can use to take action today.

Join us. Use the tools.
Spread the word. Be part of it.

Read our BBP Annual Report 2017 here