New PPA resources live on the BRC-A Resource Library
Announcing the release of two new PPA resources live on the BRC-A Resource Library:
- Deal Structures Primer. This primer unpacks all the possible PPA arrangements, their pros and cons and how to select there right structure for your needs; and
- Request For Proposals (RFP) Template. A downloadable, fillable template to guide you through the process of tender invitation, ensuring all of the important details are covered in your market approach.
These resources are designed for use by all-of-industry – energy buyers, developers/retailers/investors and professional service providers in large-scale offsite renewable energy procurement. We hope you find them useful. Keep an eye out as more resources are rolled out in the coming months.
Can’t access these resources in the BRC-A Resource Library? Access to these and all other PPA resources is members only, so if you’re not already a member, please visit the website to learn how to join.