Public Transport Options

What are they

Options for public transport include bus, train and ferry.  The accessibility of public transport to a building is largely determined by the building’s location.  It is also important to consider the connectivity of the public transport options to the building – an office that is readily accessed by public transport from multiple parts of a city is better served than one that is on a branch line, for which many of the occupants may have to change trains.

Equally, when designing or refurbishing the access to a building, ensuring that it is possible to access the public transport facilities easily is a valuable consideration.


Reduced transport and parking costs for occupants

Improved integration of public transport into occupant work practices

Resource Savings

Easy access to public transport will reduce work use of taxis and cars, reducing fuel consumption.

Retrofit/Improvement opportunities

The majority of public transport access is decided purely by location.  However, in some cases, it may be possible to improve access to public transport facilities during a major refurbishment

Applicable buildings

All buildings have some level of public transport access – even if it is nil.

Floor plate implications

Provision of lockers will affect floor plate.  Provision of improved access to public transport from the building may also have floorplate implications.

Occupant comfort

No issues

Maintenance Implications

No issues


Look for the relationship of the building to bus, train and ferry routes.  The more areas of the city that connect to the building with only one change of bus/train/ferry, the better the public transport provision of the building.  furthermore, the more frequent the services are, the better the options are.

What to ask for

  • Are there end-of-trip facilities for those arriving on public transport?
  • Where is the nearest train/bus/ferry station/terminal?
  • How frequent are the services to that station or terminal?