BBP stripout waste guidelines in consultation

The Better Buildings Partnership has developed draft stripout waste guidelines to assist tenants, building owners and demolition contractors in the procurement and execution of best practice stripout operations. These guidelines include a number of practical tools that can be utilised to procure, manage and evidence consistent stripout processes that maximise recovery without compromise to timelines or safety.
These guidelines draw on BBP’s extensive expertise, that of its partners and suppliers, and learnings from recent case studies conducted in Sydney with support from Edge Environment and the NSW Environment Protection Authority’s Circulate, Industrial Ecology grants program, that demonstrate that resource recovery of 60-80% is both highly desirable and achievable.
BBP members have committed to implementing these guidelines and recovery targets, and are including the principles of these guidelines in their tender processes. Relevant waste industry stakeholders are encouraged to familiarise themselves with these guidelines.
Submitting your feedback
Please review the stripout waste guidelines and submit your feedback here.
Feedback is invited up until January 31, 2016 and all feedback received will be reviewed by the BBP waste technical working group and incorporated into the guidelines as appropriate.
For more information contact Esther Bailey, Better Buildings Partnership program manager via email
Download the BBP stripout waste guidelines – consultation draft